Massachusetts born Artist Fran O’Neill has lived in Provincetown, full time for over 20 years. Fran has been an Artist for most of his life and won Kellogg’s “Stick Up for Breakfast!” Drawing Contest at ages 11 and 12! Fran has a BFA in Illustration and worked as a Freelance Illustrator for 14 years until technology put an end to all that. But he’s not bitter about it. Fran’s is currently painting and has a shared studio space at the Provincetown Commons at 46 Bradford Street in Provincetown.

Fran is also currently studying Natural Medicine at the New York School of Homeopathy. One of Fran’s Art series called “Simillimum” is based on the principal of “Like Curing Like” meaning that the energy medicine must match the symptoms of the whole patient. This energy healing is represented on something that was once living, wood. The grain of the wood represents that healing energy and the viewer will see this “Healing Art” in a different way than a conventional painting. The combination of intersecting abstract shapes represent this “Simillimum.” Fran has been creating these Calder-like graphic paintings on wood, off and on for awhile now, but because of the Provincetown Commons studio space has begun anew. Fran often uses oil sign paints and oil stains painted on plywood, which are painted on and then rubbed off to reveal the wood grain. Fran either starts with a thrift store vintage frame or creates a simple frame using the wood from repurposed beach fencing. If you are interested in a painting, just email him at
Instagram: @Franionptown